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1989 Freightliner Cabover “Cab light install”
1989 Freightliner Cabover 5" exhaust install
Head Lights! Messing with the lights on JAMES my 94 freightliner. Cabover build episode #11.
1989 Freightliner Cabover "Candice" put the turbo on and fill the coolant
Kenworth W900 new TRUX lights install
Fan Mail...
How to install Ebay Led clearance marker lights For a semi truck western star/freightliner
A night drive in my 28 year old Freightliner cabover. [ SHORTS ]
1985 Freightliner FLC "Franny's Home"
#Cabovers galore hanging out with James Pretty @James Pretty
1995 freightliner cabover/ building new steps
1985 Freightliner "NOT a Cabover" NEW ADDITION?